“Jiujitsu has helped me be more of a complete and better man. I've never really thought of myself as a leader but Jiujitsu has prepared me for those moments as a father where things are tough but someone needs to take charge and start problem-solving. I'm able to provide my family with love, support and protection that I've garnered from my time training Jiujitsu. I'm able to stay more focused on the tasks at hand even when it's something I'm intimidated by after having had to face down my training partners. I feel like jiujitsu has given me little sayings through out my life that I use as mantras for success. I'd like to share one of my favorites that has helped me more than I can count. "Like in life you must always turn and face your problems, never turn away from them." - SB
“I have always been a physically active person. Throughout my life I have participated in contact sports, weightlifting, am a United States Marine, and now have a career in law enforcement. JiuJitsu has provided an outlet for me to continue to participate in physically demanding activities that are both good for my body and mind.
While nothing can totally remove the stresses of work, family life etc, I can say that if I walk on to the mats with something heavy on me, by the time we are done rolling, that weight seems a lot lighter and more manageable.
The community that I have found in jiujitsu and specifically at Wolfhunter is solid. I am not a people person, but I was instantly drawn to these like minded people and enjoy learning from everyone there. Everyone there, regardless of their belt level or experience, is there to train hard and help those around them grow.
Many of the techniques in jiujitsu have direct translation to the law enforcement community. These are not techniques that can be taught during a week long defense tactics or self defense class and be effective. By training mainly sport jiujitsu on a weekly basis, I have been able to effectively translate these techniques to safely control, restrain and affect arrests in the real world. I believe that every law enforcement professional should be training jiujitsu on a weekly basis. Not only can it keep the officer and citizens safer, as I mentioned before, it is a valuable stress management tool that can be invaluable to the law enforcement community.” - WO
While nothing can totally remove the stresses of work, family life etc, I can say that if I walk on to the mats with something heavy on me, by the time we are done rolling, that weight seems a lot lighter and more manageable.
The community that I have found in jiujitsu and specifically at Wolfhunter is solid. I am not a people person, but I was instantly drawn to these like minded people and enjoy learning from everyone there. Everyone there, regardless of their belt level or experience, is there to train hard and help those around them grow.
Many of the techniques in jiujitsu have direct translation to the law enforcement community. These are not techniques that can be taught during a week long defense tactics or self defense class and be effective. By training mainly sport jiujitsu on a weekly basis, I have been able to effectively translate these techniques to safely control, restrain and affect arrests in the real world. I believe that every law enforcement professional should be training jiujitsu on a weekly basis. Not only can it keep the officer and citizens safer, as I mentioned before, it is a valuable stress management tool that can be invaluable to the law enforcement community.” - WO
“The two biggest things jiu jitsu has taught me are: learning to be comfortable being uncomfortable. This has carried over into my professional career where I often have to face difficult conversations and moments. None of these moments compare to the difficulty and challenge of a 6am class though.
The second thing is that I am able to find wins in very difficult moments.” - BR
The second thing is that I am able to find wins in very difficult moments.” - BR